Ran the 2012 Cars Land 5K Road Rally at Disneyland

2012-Cars_Land_5K-01 As my 2nd ever 5K, I chose to do the runDisney Cars Land 5K Road Rally, which was part of the Disneyland Half Marathon Weekend! I did not realize it at the time, but it is not a timed race, as it is intended to be a “fun run”. Reality is, that I have my faithful RunKeeper app on my phone to keep track of my time and that is all that matters. Needless to say, this race was of an entirely different scale than my first 5K many months earlier.

2012-Cars_Land_5K-02I was a little nervous, as I knew quite a few people that would also be doing this run, and felt a little self-conscious about running into them. It is important to remember who you are running for, and why. As long as you are running for yourself, who cares what other people think!

Disney calls this a “fun run” and it is certainly the most appropriate description. The scenery is a lot of fun, as you run through the different “lands” and get to see the backstage areas. All along the route, you encounter different characters with photo opportunities. Lines do form for the characters, but they seem to go pretty quickly. I’m still new to the whole running thing, and decided to keep focused on running and skip the characters.

As the name implied, the finish line was on Route 66 in Cars Land of Disney California Adventure. Oddly, they miscalculated and ran out of the bottled water they were giving out at the end. However, they gave out boxes of sample products and sponsors of the event.

It was a great experience, and I would highly recommend signing up for a runDisney event!

RunKeeper Details : http://runkeeper.com/user/bigwavedave/activity/114398753

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